Wednesday 2 October 2013

Cure Diabetes without drugs

The condition diabetes occurs not because of the malfunctioning of pancreas or islets of Langerhans as commonly believed, rather it is related to the improper functioning of stomach and other organs of digestion. Eg: When a person takes food without actually feeling hungry, the ingested food does not get properly digested and bad glucose is formed. This will send wrong signals to the pancreas and brain which impairs the proper functioning of pancreas and the clinical condition diabetes ensues. Taking drugs to reverse it actually makes it worse.
Negative thoughts or emotions also affect the functioning of our digestive system. For example if a hungry person  hears a negative message, suddenly his hunger disappears. Similarly a person suffering from severe physical pain may become moody. So any problem with the mind gets reflected in the body and vice-versa. It shows that negative emotions can have a significant role in damaging the pancreas.

This condition can be cured by Acu touch therapy. Acu touch removes the block in the body's natural defense mechanism and restores the function of the pancreas.


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